August 20th, 2016
I recently contributed a blog to www.JHSFocus.com--- a website sponsored by the American Society for...
[more]June 22nd, 2016
Failure in life---no matter how great or small, can provide a transformational opportunity for growt...
[more]May 30th, 2016
Vinod Khosla is an Indian/American businessman who made his early fortune as one of the co-founders ...
[more]February 22nd, 2016
Channel Stuffing by a company refers to the practice of artificially inflating current sales ...
[more]March 21st, 2015
Last Sunday at church the Gospel was about a miracle Jesus performed, whereby a blind man could see....
[more]February 1st, 2015
To maintain the highest levels of patient satisfaction, I need to deliberately and continually focus...
[more]January 18th, 2015
As orthopedic surgeons, we typically equate a quality outcome with the patient’s end result—reso...
[more]December 5th, 2014
The very little engine looked up and saw the tears in the dolls’ eyes. And she thought of the ...[more]October 31st, 2014
This morning I walked into Dunkin’ Donuts for a large coffee and took my place at the end of a len...[more]September 4th, 2014
The learning horizon is a term that I was introduced to in the book “The Fifth Discipline” by Pe...[more]August 12th, 2014
My blog entitled “Recipe for Success” (March 2013) was inspired by a baseball story about Earl W...[more]August 6th, 2014
The fundamental backbone of an organization is their core values. Indeed, operationalizing these val...[more]June 20th, 2014
I frequently see patients who ask me to refer them or a family member to another physician for care ...[more]May 11th, 2014
According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of Empathy is the feeling that you understand...[more]November 30th, 2013
Rotator cuff disease ranks among the most prevalent of musculoskeletal disorders-- the prevalence of...[more]March 25th, 2013
I participated in an Educational forum this past weekend that addressed throwing-related injuries in...[more]January 21st, 2013
I have come to respect, over the past 20 years of practice, the value of certain phrases and/or refe...[more]January 13th, 2013
When it comes to ailments of your Musckuloskeletal system---bones, joints, ligaments and tendons----...[more]September 9th, 2012
I just returned from Chicago after attending the yearly Meeting of the American Society for Surgery ...[more]August 18th, 2012
Beyond the historical record of legendary contributions to the field of medicine, Sir William Osler ...[more]May 6th, 2012
At the beginning of April, I began asking all my patients to complete a brief "Satisfaction survey"...[more]March 25th, 2012
I have always noted that if I feel “down”, it tends to be accompanied by an increase in my som...[more]March 18th, 2012
Effective communication relies on attentive listening. Though I am arguably imperfect in my goal to ...[more]March 10th, 2012
In the December 2011 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, this exact question was address...[more]January 20th, 2012
When I started www.rearmyourself.com nearly 2 years ago, I wanted to provide informative videos an...[more]January 15th, 2012
The above article, in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, evalu...[more]December 8th, 2011
Practicing medicine is both Art and Science. While SCIENCE relies on reproducible experimentation, o...[more]November 23rd, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving.
This time of year ordinarily inspires us to reflect on our blessings, and fo...[more]November 21st, 2011
Try saying "timelessness" 3 times fast--it's a bit of a tongue twister.
Sin...[more]October 23rd, 2011
There are books and countless articles on this subject—the essence of the phrase is that Failure i...[more]October 16th, 2011
The September issue of “The Bulletin”--the Journal of the Monroe County Medical Society—addres...[more]October 2nd, 2011
Was listening to the WHAM radio Home repair clinic this morning, when a caller was advised to get...[more]July 24th, 2011
I saw a patient friday for a second opinion about her clavicle fracture, which she sustained 1 month...[more]April 24th, 2011
On a plane ride home yesterday from a “spring break” vacation with my family, I read, on B7 of t...[more]January 22nd, 2011
It goes without saying that being better informed probably improves one's ability to make decisions....[more]November 28th, 2010
It’s fitting this time of year to reflect on how blessed we are, despite the crosses we may bear. ...[more]October 23rd, 2010
I was in Toronto this past week to take my son to “Wicked” during a brief mid-term hiatus from 7...[more]August 9th, 2010
While I was struggling to get my 45 minutes in on the Elliptical yesterday (since I turned 50.....ye...[more]May 2nd, 2010
This week I was reminded of what might be in jeopardy in the future as new health care policy is imp...[more]March 14th, 2010
I was invited to give a lecture on the treatment of thumb pain after unsuccessful "basal joint" surg...[more]January 30th, 2010
Serendipity blesses us with insight at times, if we are open to it. This past Thursday afternoon, I ...[more]December 24th, 2009
I have been blessed in 2009 personally and professionally, and wish all of you a wonderful holiday, ...[more]December 19th, 2009
This week alone, I saw 3 patients older than 70, who were told that repair was not possible and that...[more]October 4th, 2009
Would you agree with this statement?
I enjoyed seeing an extremely forthright patien...[more]September 13th, 2009
I recently received several very good questions regarding shoulder replacement surgery from a patien...[more]August 30th, 2009
Over the past year, most of my blogs have not addressed clinical topics. Many of the responses to m...[more]August 21st, 2009
Many of my patients have asked me to weigh in on this topic in general, and President Obama's vision...[more]July 20th, 2009
At times when I am uninspired regarding a Blog entry, I simply hold off. But this weekend two events...[more]July 5th, 2009
I hope everyone enjoyed a festive Independence Day yesterday! While flipping through radio station c...[more]June 5th, 2009
I have had the privilege these past 2 days of attending the largest Mexican Orthopaedic Meeting for ...[more]May 31st, 2009
Science and technology are undeniably critical ingredients to improving the quality of healthcare an...[more]May 23rd, 2009
I have a beloved patient from Pittsburgh who recently visited me to have thumb basal joint surgery. ...[more]May 10th, 2009
Auction houses, real estate brokers, dating services --to name a few-- are among those businesses wh...[more]May 2nd, 2009
Window dressing may provide a compelling snapshot of the offering available before you open the door...[more]April 17th, 2009
Ever notice how "Life" does not follow the script you had in mind? That having been said, you play t...[more]April 5th, 2009
1. an ample quantity; 2. affluence,wealth, 3.relative degree of plentifulness.[more]March 23rd, 2009
We've all heard the saying, "This too may pass."
It not only refers to the "bad time...[more]March 14th, 2009
After Shoulder, Hand and Elbow Surgery, physical therapy is usually a critcal ingredient to one's fu...[more]March 7th, 2009
When we hear this phrase, "the total is greater than the sum of the parts" we expect extra value----...[more]February 5th, 2009
Sure---most of us work in jobs where "individual" achievement may be masked by "corporate" or "group...[more]January 24th, 2009
During my stint at Pitt's Katz School of Business, in 2001, while working full time as an Associate ...[more]January 18th, 2009
Don Moyer, in a Harvard Business Review article entitled, "Is Experience Enough" (HBR Jan 2009 p120)...[more]January 10th, 2009
I have the privilege of sitting on the Scientific Advisory Boards of 3 Orthopaedic device companies,...[more]January 2nd, 2009
Happy New Year to all. Here's looking to a wonderful,healthy, and prosperous New year. Although our ...[more]December 24th, 2008
Getting another opinion is valuable--no question. It may confirm the 1st, offer a different perspect...[more]December 20th, 2008
It's been said that "what the mind does not know, the eye does not see."
In a similar...[more]November 29th, 2008
It's only fitting on this Thanksgiving Holiday 2008 that I extend a heartfelt "thanks" to all of you...[more]
November 23rd, 2008
You're probably familiar with the saying, "If you have a hammer, everything's a nail". In my profes...[more]November 16th, 2008
Is'nt it true-----an unexpected and genuine smile from a stranger who may randomly pass you during y...[more]November 9th, 2008
In the Rochester and Upstate NY region many families who are not eligible for medicaid because of in...[more]November 2nd, 2008
I was privileged this past thursday to perform a complex revision surgery on a woman from some 100 m...[more]November 2nd, 2008
An ongoing "real time" assessment of "how are we doing" is a critical, though too frequently ignored...[more]October 25th, 2008
Many of you may have read, or at least heard of "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. He offers m...[more]October 11th, 2008
This is a common question in the office when I schedule surgery. And my answer is, as you might expe...[more]September 17th, 2008
The Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand is in Chicago this week, and its ...[more]September 13th, 2008
In the September 2008 Harvard Business Review, beginning on page 53, is an interesting article detai...[more]September 7th, 2008
Wendys is open later than midnight. Wegmans is open all night long. After the drug store closes, you...[more]August 30th, 2008
When I say during surgery, "This is the way I do it" I mean that my insistence on quality and aversi...[more]
August 24th, 2008
It may be assumed that a fracture of the "ball" portion of the shoulder's "ball & socket" joint is a...[more]August 21st, 2008
No one would quarrel with the importance of their surgeon's competence, experience, technical skill ...[more]August 10th, 2008
We've all heard the phrase, "The total exceeds the sum of the parts." In our case I would say, "Our ...[more]August 8th, 2008
There is no question that Innovative surgical devices and procedures have a critical role in medicin...[more]August 3rd, 2008
In April I had the opportunity to deliver a lecture in my community at the Chatterbox Club. I select...[more]August 2nd, 2008
Perhaps you have heard the above phrase. It can also be stated that "what the mind does not know, t...[more]August 2nd, 2008
What a powerful opportunity exists when we not only "have" choice(s), but also "exercise" choice. In...[more]July 26th, 2008
A number of advances in surgical technique over the past 5 years have improved the outcomes followin...[more]July 21st, 2008
When one has impaired shoulder function and pain due to either an irreparable rotator cuff tear, rot...[more]July 20th, 2008
In the June issue of the Harvard Business Review, Hirotaka Takeuchi and coauthors explore the factor...[more]July 14th, 2008
Higher deductibles and health savings accounts are but a couple of examples of how accountability fo...[more]July 6th, 2008
An increasing number of "Urgent Care" Centers have emerged in various communities to address injurie...[more]June 29th, 2008
Welcome to the 1st posting of my Weekly Insights Blog - a contribution meant to provoke a res...[more]