Experience is actually priceless
April 17th, 2009
Ever notice how "Life" does not follow the script you had in mind? That having been said, you play the hand that you're dealt--making the most of each and every day, each and every opportunity.
I recently watched the movie, "Slumdog Millionaire" in which the unlikliest of people wins a million dollars during a Gameshow in India. Jamal's life experiences from growing up in the slums of Mumbai provided him with the ability to answer the questions asked during "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Absent his being in that situation, Jamal would not have appreciated the "value" of some of his, quite frankly, miserable experiences--at least at the time that they were happening.
So too, may the value of our own experiences go unnoticed---until you unknowingly react or respond to a situation in a certain favorable or unfavorable way---because of some level of past experience.
So--why did watching "Slumdog Millionaire" stimulate a blog contribution? Well--once again,I was struck by how "experience" may transparently influence outcome. Unlike in the movie, where Jamal is able to trace back his correct answers to specific experiences, my decision-making and expertise may be profoundly influenced by some past "experience"---but it may not be traceable.
And sometimes it is---Just the other day I was treating a patient who had limited forearm rotation. I actually remembered a conversation I had with Dr. Garcia-Elias from Barcelona, while speaking in Glascow in 2006. Dial forward 3 years and my technique incorporated his pearls.
You will note past blogs addressing experience. There is no question that Experience is a critical component to quality care. However, so too is Communication with and Confidence in your surgeon. Embedded in our offering at Tomaino Orthopaedic Care is a commitment to Really Matter--to be Relevant! We do that by embracing your feedback, attempting to have an open dialogue (which can extend beyong your office appointment), and by bringing our experience and expertise to "your bedside" each and everyday.