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Tomaino Arm Care Network

Dr. Tomaino's Blog

Modern Day Timelessness

July 20th, 2009
At times when I am uninspired regarding a Blog entry, I simply hold off. But this weekend two events resonated with me—when “time seemed to stand still.” The 1st was picking up my son from summer camp on Conesus Lake, and the 2nd was watching Tom Watson almost win the British Open at age 59.

Both events underscored how some things transcend time—Modern Day Timelessness, of sorts-- and, in so doing, become valuable reminders of the gift of the present moment—filled, ideally, with hope and optimism.

Absent cell phones, televisions, email, and any new modern day conveniences that may not have existed 38 years ago when I went to summer camp, my son enjoyed a week at camp that was probably not much different that what I experienced at his age. Camp Stella Maris combined all the features of what, for many of us, were great memories. And despite how differently our kids or grandchildren may be living today, compared to how we “were brought up”, the joy of a week at Camp has, it seems, transcended time. Wow!

So too has Tom Watson transcended time this weekend. His near victory in the 138th British Open brought me back to the 1970’s, as if time had not passed, and I was not 30 some odd years older (and feeling every bit of time’s passage). Beyond validating the observation that Golf is one of those games that can be played for a lifetime, Watson’s “game” captured, for me, the awesome opportunity for living fully, even as time passes and we get older--if blessed with health and a positive frame of mind. He acknowledged, after the contest, that he no longer plays in the Masters because he feels like he is more of a “ceremonial” participant, but, that on the links-type courses, he can compete. May we all identify those “links-type courses!”

Tied in with these 2 different experiences regarding “timelessness” is the message in, and title of Eckhart Tolle’s bestseller: “The Power of Now.” The past and the future provide context—perspective--but what matters most is to truly appreciate, and live in the present-- the NOW.



Living in the now; what an illusive concept. Much more simple in the past. Today’s world does not cultivate an atmosphere to live in the now. There are so many ‘thoughts’ and ‘ideas’ running rampant throughout…we are usually too overwhelmed to think for ourselves, or too afraid of being chastised if we don’t put our thoughts out there for approval!
We also watched the Tom Watson show over the weekend. My husband, who is a few years older than Mr. Watson, chuckled at the idea of him playing against ‘the 27-year-olds’! He remembers when he was one of them. My knowledge base doesn’t go that deep, so I was able to watch the match in the ‘now’.

Dr. Tomaino, in that book, doesn’t he also have plenty to offer about pain; how in manifests in us and how we deal with it?

I used to think I had a pretty high threshold for pain or at least I could hide it fairly well! I spent a year off-and-on dealing with it without anyone noticing looking in. Even in the most acute days prior to my surgery, I still went about fairly happy with a smile on my face. I knew my arm hurt and I couldn’t use it fully, but that wasn’t who I was…I didn’t live through my arm. At one point it was even questioned by my employer as to whether or not I really had an injury!! The first few days/week following the surgery were rough…a lot of pain and worry (the same?), but these last few weeks were getting better and better. Motion is getting better and pain is decreasing.
Today threw one of those psychological triggers at me that started it all over again. I was reminded today how much stress can play a role in it can become systemic.

Fortunately, I had one of your quick 24/7 exchanges that helped me put the breaks on..and a nice chat with the girls in the office!!!

I have spent the rest of the day recovering. Then, I saw you had posted a new blog as well. That last paragraph smacked me right in the forehead! I dug that book out and I am going back through his exchanges. Living in the now, how enlightening. We can’t go back to how things were before and we can’t dwell on what the outcome ‘might’ be in the future. It isn’t for us to know anyhow. What we have right now…is now, right?!!

With my time off work, I should be able to finish it this time!

Thank you AGAIN, Dr. Tomaino!


July 20th, 2009 @ 9:00 pm
maryann mazzaferro

dr. Tomaino
Your recent blog is exactly what I needed to hear- yes, right hwew and now!!! In recuperating how important it is to think POSITIVE and appreciate the things we have to be so grateful for. Really, as you stated, good health and a positive attitude is what it's all about. McC- the above answer- I have been through it, and can well relate to what you are going through. The road gets a bit "bumpy" at times. I can't help but think every so often what it was like be fore all the shoulder problems. But the person i am is more than just those shoulders!!!! Thanks for keeping me on the right course Dr. Tomaino- your words of encouragement and wisdom cures all.
ps- our grandaughter just left camp Cory!!!! No cell phones,radios,tv and guess what??? She loved it!

July 28th, 2009 @ 10:47 pm

Thank you, Mrs. Mazzaferro.
I have read your previous posts as well…your students are lucky to have you as a source of guidance and inspiration. What a wonderful example you set!!
While we all glean so much from our interactions with Dr. Tomaino we also share interconnectedness with each other through him. I try to take what I receive and use it as sort of a ‘Pay it Forward’ in day to day life. For example, I work more on eye contact and smiling….it really is amazing how much response you can get from something so simple!


July 29th, 2009 @ 10:10 am
james briggs

Its about being in the moment. Not using this one to simply get to the next.

April 2nd, 2010 @ 1:50 pm