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Tomaino Arm Care Network

Dr. Tomaino's Blog

Clinical Updates: Helping you to keep informed.

August 30th, 2009
Over the past year, most of my blogs have not addressed clinical topics. Many of the responses to my more spiritually and philosophically based entries make it clear that I shouldcontinue with these types of blogs.

However, I have come to realize that there is an ever increasing role for "Clinical Updates" regarding what's new from the fingertip to the shoulder. The internet is replete with content regarding diagnoses and treatment recommendations, but all to often fails to provide easy to understand information.

So, in the future, I will start providing "Clinical Updates," and when possible, I will also include references from the literature. The "evidence-base" from which we practice and advise is increasingly critical. we need to understand whether a treatment is indeed supported by data, based on experience alone, or both. We need to appreciate the upsides as well as the potential downsides.

As with other blog entries, I an hopeful that these will educate and provoke. Through this website, I am always available to answer questions, in general--obviously unable to give specific advice or make assessments.

I am notified when there is a blog reply, so if you do have a question or require a response from me, either reply to the blog, or email me through the "Contact Dr Tomaino" section on this site. Your unique queries will likely be addressed in subsequent blogs!


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