Accessible 24/7? Yes I am.
September 7th, 2008
Wendys is open later than midnight. Wegmans is open all night long. After the drug store closes, you have to wait until the next day to get a new prescription, or to refill an old one. However, it is still possible to call an automated number, request a refill, and have it waiting for you the next day.
Technology enables such convenience.
When it comes to having an urgent question answered by your surgeon, however, it may be very difficult if not impossible to contact him or her directly.
This afternoon, I received an email from a new patient through the Contact Dr Tomaino section of my website--letting me know that an she broke her arm friday, and needed an urgent appointment on Monday. Email contact is easy, but few are willing to be that available to provide personalized care. Such care is distinctively benefical to our patients---reassuring at the very least, and in some cases, truly needed in order to clarify instructions or to answer questions.
I called her, scheduled her appointment through my Practice Management software----all before ever taking her voice message off our office phone on Monday morning.
Exceptional Care...Tomaino Care means providing remarkably personalized care--24/7. It's part of our mission, and our privilege.